Replacement Heifers
Start your herd out on the right hoof with a heifer that will leave a heritage that your proud of. Peruse through our selection of yearling heifers to add to your existing herd or as your first purchase.
A Proud Addition
Lot #32 - Beckers Elba 2314
High capacity double digit calving ease with carcass strengths CAB logo, another four straight generations AI sired calf. Her dam is a nice Hoover Dam. Cow's production WW 6@106, YW 3@108.
Lot #28 - Beckers Elba 2342
She is a nice looking powerful long and deep high capacity Sitz Resilient heifer with performance top 2%WW, 5% YW, and 15% RADG, maternal strengths top 4% $M, 25% HP. She has cow written all over her. Back to an Insight cow. Adj. WW 642, WR 114. Dam production BW 4@94, WW 4@102, YW 2@ 100.
Lot #29 - Beckers Elba 2321
Deep, long, and thick calving ease with maternal strengths top 2% $M and 1% HP and Milk, This Sitz Resilient heifer should make a good cow. To top it off she has Connealy Capitalist 028 and Hoover Dam on the bottom side.
Lot #31 - Beckers Miss Countess 2330
Nice looking calving ease, performance, maternal strengths top 5% $M, 2% in scrotal EPD, 15% RADG, 1% claw, 5% angle, low energy in a moderate frame. A well-bred and balanced heifer with high capacity. Adj. WW 595, WR 102.
Lot #40 - Beckers Rose 2359
She is the youngest female in the offering, another good cow prospect with calving ease and maternal. She is thick and deep body, moderate frame low energy. With Beckers Stunner 1901 on top and Hoover Dam on bottom, she is a ¾ sister to Elba 2355.
Lot #37 - Beckers Elba 2355
This young heifer has calving ease, maternal strengths top 5% $M, claw 1%, angle 30%, DMI 15%, scrotal 10% EPD. In a low energy moderate frame, another good cow prospect with 1901 back to Hoover Dam to Charlo.
Lot #34 - Beckers Eba 2319
Nice Jumbo heifer with double digit calving ease with moderate growth Adj. WW 609 lbs. WR 105.
Lot #36 - Beckers Lou Ann 2350
Calving ease, performance top 25% WW, 30%YW, maternal strength top 5% $M, in a lower energy moderate deep and thick package. These Beckers Stunner 1901 daughters make nice cows.
Lot #35 - Beckers Jamie 2347
Moderate frame, easy keeping type, low energy, calving ease, and maternal strengths. Out of a young cow.
Lot #30 - Beckers Rose 2307
Performance and maternal strengths, this nice-looking, long, deep well-balanced heifer has four in a row generations of AI sires with Sitz Accomplishment back to Upward. Should make a nice cow! Adj. WW 634 lbs., WR 109. Dam's production BW 6@97, WW 6@101.
Lot #27 - Beckers Angelina 2340
Another nice-looking balanced heifer from a young cow. Calving ease, performance, maternal strengths top 1% $M, HP2%, claw 10%, angle 40%, PAP 5%, and HS 2%. A lot of boxes checked on this moderate frame, lower energy calf. She is a Resilient back to a 316 Colossal, doesn't get much better than that for a cow maker.
Lot #38 - Beckers Erica 2351
She is balanced and thick lower energy type, should make a heck of a cow from Beckers Stunner 1901 combine with ET bred SAV Erica. Who goes back 7 straight generations of AI sires, which goes back to the 70s.
Lot #33 - Beckers Lou Ann 2323
This is a clean fronted long spined, deep body powerhouse of a heifer. Performance in the top 1% for WW and YW, maternal strengths, top 5% for average daily gain. Adj. WW 632 lbs., WR 109. From a good Cowboy Up dam, production BW 4@100, WW 4@104. YW 2@103
Lot #39 - Beckers May 2353
She has capacity and muscle, moderate frame low energy, in the top 15% for WW and YW, 10% RADG, 1% claw, 30% angle, 10% scrotal EPD. Another great cow prospect with 1901 on the top and the famous SAV May cow family on the bottom, which this ET May cow is double bred, too. Has 6 straight generations of AI sires to her pedigree.